OEOE is a handbag brand founded in Barcelona by Anna Busquets, a businesswoman and fashion designer. The idea came about thanks to a professional promotion that prompted her to look for the ideal bag for her lifestyle. We wanted a luxury bag that was elegant and functional, that would comfortably fit into our routine. However, after searching unsuccessfully on the market, we decided to design our own pieces. Bags that cover all the needs of everyday life, with high-quality materials and an elegant design. Thus creating special and unique models.

Anna Busquets interviewed hundreds of women to find out what the perfect handbag should be like, covering all the needs of everyday life. Thanks to her results, we began to design unique and sophisticated pieces with great attention to detail and functionality, thus creating the first prototypes of OEOE bags.


Our goal is to design modern pieces that are timeless and always functional. Offering premium cowhide bags (We reuse animal skins that come exclusively from the food industry), made one by one by professionals in their workshops in Ubrique and Barcelona. Little treasures that will stand the test of time and make OEOE women and men feel as amazing as they do. People who are passionate about luxury design without giving up elegance and practicality.

The values ​​that characterize OEOE are elegance , versatility , innovation and excellence . Bags that connect with their stories.


I was born in Barcelona, ​​where I currently reside. However, I have lived in different countries around the world, so I feel like a citizen of the world. I have always had a passion for fashion, which is what led me to create my own accessories brand, OEOE Handbags. Thanks to this, in 2017 the newspaper El Referente named me among the 75 leading female entrepreneurs in our country.

With OEOE Handbags I paved the way towards my dream. I always knew I wanted to create accessories to empower women and men, pieces as strong as the women and men who wear them.

My love for art, interior design and architecture often inspires me to create my collections. Other impetus for me are children, travel, cultures, education and the defence of human rights.

We hope you fall in love with the brand and join us on this journey of creativity and responsible fashion!